Angela Pickett

Romance Writer

Ever wondered what happens when a silver haired former diplomat turned sales page copywriter becomes obsessed with reading romance?

Hi, I'm Angela

Not content to read romance, in 2023, I decided it was time to have a go at writing my own.

I’d been dabbling with fiction since 2014 (you can read about some of those efforts in my pre-2024 blogs) but never really finished anything.

I’d fallen into the trap of thinking romance writing was perhaps ‘less than’ other forms of fiction writing.

But then I realised that was stupid.

Shouldn’t I write what I enjoyed reading?

In February 2024, I did my first romance writing course, and in August 2024 I’m attending my first Romance Writers of Australia conference, which seemed a good time to finally update my website and start writing about my writing journey.

Blog Posts

For now, this website is basically just a collection of old blog posts.

But in the coming months, I’ll be sharing more about my romance writing. 

And who knows, hopefully one day, I’ll be telling you where you can buy my books. 



  Today is R U OK Day but I hadn’t planned to write a blog post about it partly because I'm not an expert in mental health. But then I wrote a...

Writing true stories

Writing true stories

Last week, I decided that for Father’s Day, I would write a blog post about my Dad, who died almost 8 years ago. I sent a group message to my...

In praise of Book Week

Last week social media was full of Book Week. Friends shared photos of their kids, people on various groups asked for suggestions and shared photos...

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Angela Pickett

Aspiring romance writer, sales page and website copywriter and lover of books.